What we do

We help purpose driven NPOs in different ways to provide them free access to high-quality Leadership- and Organizational Development.


Raising funds through donations

The funds of the Cosmikk-Foundation come from donations from companies and individuals. One major initiative since 2017 is the fundraising project “Around the World by Bike” by Karsten Drath, the co-chair of the foundation. With one major tour per year he is aiming to cycle around the world to raise awareness and money.

TV Interview

Identifying and selecting suitable NPOs

Within the constraints of its budget, the Cosmikk-Foundation supports purpose driven NPOs who fulfill certain criteria:

  • Clear commitment to at least one Sustainable Development Goal of the UN as part of the NPOs mission
  • Strong focus on maximizing the impact of the NPOs work
  • High readiness to change and a commitment to working on the NPOs leadership and organizational development

A dedicated team of volunteers supports the identification and qualification of potential NPOs to support.

Creating awareness for our cause

In order to raise donations, a strong media presence is required. This entails various social media platforms, print formats, as well as TV, radio, and podcast formats.
For example: Here you can read an interview Karsten Drath did with the coaching magazine.